Web開發學習筆記02 — 等號比較運算子(Equality operators) “==” vs. “===”

Posted by Teagan Hsu on 2020-10-17


等號比較運算子(Equality operators)分為一般相等比較(Abstract Equality Comparison)及嚴格相等比較(Strict Equality Comparison)。


◎ 當x是primitive type,而y是Object type時,x == ToPrimitive(y)

10 == [10]       //true
"10" == [10]     //true
10n == [10]      //true
"0" == false     //true

◎ 當x是Number,而y是String時,x == ToNumber(y)

10 == "10"       //true

◎ 在一般相等比較(==)時undefined與null相等;

◎ 在嚴格相等比較(===)時undefined等於自己,null也只等於自己。

null == undefined            //true
null === undefined           //false

◎ boolean會被強制轉換(coercion)為Number類型

0 == false           //true
"1" == true          //true
true == 100          //false

◎ 當BigInt 與 Number比較時,任一邊為NaN、+∞、-∞回傳false,如果不是則比較數學值。

1n == NaN            //false
100n == "100"        //true


◎ NaN 不等於任何值,包括自己,因此:

NaN === NaN      //false

◎ 零值相等,比較+0 與 -0結果為:

+0 === -0       //true

◎ 如果object type(object、array、function)是call by reference至相同記憶體位置,則他們相等:

var a = {weather : "sunny"};
var b;
b = a;
console.log(a)      //sunny
console.log(b)      //sunny
b === a             //true

◎ 反之,如果不在同一個記憶體中,就算value一樣,也不成立相等。

var a = {weather : "sunny"};
var b;
var b = a;
a = {weather : "sunny"};     //實字物件
console.log(a);              //sunny
console.log(b);              //sunny
b === a                      //false

用實字物件的方式另存一個獨立的記憶體,詳情可見:Javascript學習筆記01 - Primitive type v.s. Object type


Old meme format, timeless JavaScript quirks


  1. 因為String轉換成Number,故0 == 0
    0 == "0"      //true
  2. 因為empty array(object type)轉為empty string(primitive type),故[]轉變成"",而""是String再轉換為Number,故""為0,最後0 == 0成立!
    0 == []       //true
  3. 按照的解釋,[]轉為""(String),"0"與""皆為String,所以Javascript不會再強制轉換類型了,故"0" != []
    "0" == []     //false

01. You Don't Know JS: Types & Grammar
02. The Best JavaScript Meme I've Ever Seen, Explained in detail
03. Equality comparisons and sameness
04. 「==」 & 「===」 運算子
05. [27] 強制轉型 - 寬鬆相等 ( == ) vs. 嚴格相等 ( === )

#Equality operators #Abstract Equality Comparison #Strict Equality Comparison #coercion #javascript

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